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Tight Lines – 27 February, 2025
February 27, 2025

Welcome To This Week’s Edition of Tight Lines 

Our coastline continues to resemble a more northern fishery with good numbers of Mackerel and Tuna being seen on our reef systems south of town. While they seem to be a bit lure shy, fishos and especially divers are reporting seeing fish aplenty from depths of 8m to 25m.

Should you be in the pursuit of a local Spanish Mackerel or Tuna, there is a couple of things you can change about your presentation to entice a bite.

Firstly, ditch the heavy black coated wire and opt for a single strand which is far less visible or take your chances with no wire at all. And secondly, take some time to rig up either Garfish or Scalie trolling baits. A hungry mack simply won’t turn one down!

Nearby beaches have been fishing well for small Mulloway and Tailor. Especially the stretch south of White Hills and down through Preston. While closer to town, Herring and Garfish can be easily caught with the use of some burley fished with a float.

Squid have been an easy target for enthusiasts, especially since the recent low swells have cleared up our inshore waters. The cleaner water has also attributed to one of the best runs of estuary prawns we have seen in a long while with most people bagging their fill within a couple of hours with a dab net.

Crabs continue to be fishing extremely well. It’s not uncommon to pull specimens at least 10mm oversize. They are full of meat and in great condition. Local mullet seem to be the bait of choice for drop netters. Those scooping on the eastern shoreline along the Harvey side of the estuary are finding good numbers and for the brave, the use of a ‘willie hook’ is a good alternative to the use of a crab scoop. Give ‘em a try! 

Lastly, the estuary seems to be flourishing as well with the waters being wonderfully clean and full of hungry fish. Tailor and Herring as usual seem to be everywhere. Silver Trevally or ‘Skippy’ are patrolling the drop off areas and Whiting are still fishing well although and should continue to hit lures for another couple of months.

Wherever you get the chance to wet a line this weekend as always, good luck tight lines, and remember every day’s a good day for fishing.

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Send us your catch of the week and every week we’ll select ONE winner who will receive a $50 Tackle World Miami voucher.


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