Welcome to this week’s edition of Tight Lines

Another week of fabulous weather providing anglers with endless options – First up this week, Autumn Pelagic options.
This time of year, the Tuna schools are a little harder to locate, as the majority of birds that help to give away their location have migrated towards warmer regions. This being said if you monitor your sounder for bait balls and notice any arches below the bait at all it’s time to drop your lures in. I find the bait and hence the Tuna are in a nice tight area once you find them, I also find the Autumn and early Winter fish are generally bigger models than in our Summer months.
Inshore Crays have also been active since the little bump in the swell last weekend and combined with the dark side of the moon we have seen some good pot activity over the past 7 days.
Last weekend’s swell also stimulated Aussie salmon back to the beaches and groins, with some nice local catches.
Offshore we have seen a good mix of Snapper, Dhu Fish and Breaksea.
Our Estuary is also fishing well for Tailor, Skippy and Herring. The lack of rain so far means our Estuary is still full of bait and clear water.
Wherever you get the chance to wet a line this weekend as always, good luck tight lines, and remember every day’s a good day for fishing.
WIN a $50 voucher every week!
Send us your catch of the week and every week we’ll select ONE winner who will receive a $50 Tackle World Miami voucher.
Option 1: Upload your fishing photo to Instagram and use the hashtag #TackleWorldMiami
Option 2: Email your photo to info@tackleworldmiami.com.au
Select submissions will be posted in our weekly fishing report every Thursday!