Welcome to this week’s edition of Tight Lines
There have been lots of keen anglers enjoying last week’s fishing in the Peel region.

Offshore we still have opportunities with Bluefin Tuna from the back edge of the 5 fathom and again through the 28 to 32 metre line
Jigging or live baiting for Samson fish has been getting results also with good numbers of fish and some real brutes amongst them. A simple burley trail on our inshore reef system has had some nice sized Skippy, and the sand seams have had nice KGs. The Sand and weed edges closer to shore have held good numbers of fat Sand whiting – one of the sweetest fish in the sea!

Along our beaches Tailor, Herring and Whiting are on offer, plus we are still seeing enough swell for some dirty water on the right days for Land Based Pink Snapper.
Estuary rock walls and groins we are seeing juvenile Salmon and Herring mixed up with a few Tailor. KG whiting are past their peak but still around. It’s the building activity of the YF whiting on our flats that’s getting stronger. The increase in temps over the next 5 days or so should only help with the bite.
Our rivers have good Bream and Mulloway with well-presented Prawns or pieces of Mulie are best for Bream while the river Mulloway are quite partial to the twitch of a soft plastic.

Our Local Crays? It’s the last chance for reds over the next week or two before I would expect to see them to go a bit quiet as they go into a moult phase ready for the Whites Run.
Wherever you get the chance to wet a line this weekend as always, good luck tight lines, and remember every day’s a good day for fishing.