The Reel Fishing Spot – 15th September

Welcome to this week’s edition of on The Bite / The Reel Fishing Spot  This week, it’s all about fresh water and the sunshine we received in the last week of August. These changes got the trout on the move and in the mood! The majority of rainbows were caught in...

The Reel Fishing Spot – 8 September

Welcome to this week’s edition of  On The Bite / The Reel Fishing Spot  Freshwater first up this week, Stephen has found some fantastic rainbow trout on a mission through the southwest over the past week or so. Our streams are flowing nicely. As the springtime...

The Reel Fishing Spot – 2 September

Welcome to this week’s edition of On The Bite / The Reel Fishing Spot Spring has sprung and the fishing options only get better! Greg, Ross, and Ian have been enjoying some fantastic sand whiting, drifting the broken weedy bottom finding fat fish over the 30cm mark....

The Reel Fishing Spot – 18th August 2023

Welcome to this week’s edition of On The Bite / The Reel Fishing Spot Freshwater first up this week with the redfin in our local dams starting to fire up. Anglers over the past seven days have been pleasantly rewarded with some good numbers and a very active...